You can contribute to the River Safety Foundation, or become a member.



Your tax-deductible donation will help fund River Safety projects and Swift Water Rescue teams.

The Foundation’s Tax Identification Number is:

EIN 46-5394424

Make a Donation

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Tell your friends and family about being safe and enjoying river recreation, and how you can help!


The RSF raffle quilt, Phantom!

 Kerry Faraone, an award-winning Loudoun County quilter, has donated a unique art quilt to the Foundation. 
It was originally planned as a gift for Josh Carr, but left unfinished after his death. 
The raffle will be held 12/08/2018.

Purchase ticket here:  $5.00 for a book of 6.

Buy Tickets Here
Members and friends of the Joshua Lee Carr River Safety Foundation with the 2017 foundation quilt, “Phantom.” Kerry Faraone, award-winning quilt artist, shown seated on left. Kerry plans to create and donate a quilt each year to the foundation. “Pha…

Members and friends of the Joshua Lee Carr River Safety Foundation with the 2017 foundation quilt, “Phantom.” Kerry Faraone, award-winning quilt artist, shown seated on left. Kerry plans to create and donate a quilt each year to the foundation. “Phantom” is the second of her donated quilts.